Fredrick Douglass Memorial Bridge Demolition

Washington, DC
Location: Maryland, DC
Owner: South Capital Bridgebuilders, DCDOT
Construction Company: Fay as Demolition Subcontractor
Project Status: Completed in 2022

As a subcontractor, Fay performed the demolition of the 1306 ft long Frederick Douglass Memorial Bridge and approaches. Much of the work was performed via a 150-ton barge-based crane and a specialty barge crane. The bridge was removed by sawing and lifting the deck in segments and burning and lifting the steel. A portion of the deck and steel on the approaches was removed by way of the controlled drop method. This project also includes the removal of 7 piers in Anacostia River, 2 piers on land, and several pedestals on the approaches.

FD Bridge overview
Overview of the bridge during construction.
Sunrise over construction and traffic on the bridge.
A picturesque scene where a welder works on the bridge creating sparks.
FDB pier demo
Fay equipment works to demolish old piers.